Everyday, motorists around the world are circling crowded parking lots looking for an open spot, wasting valuable time and fuel. FoPark is a next generation parking solution that provides real-time parking availability information to motorists so they can plan their commute ahead of time.

Our solution determines occupancy using machine vision and machine learning technologies by  parsing live streams of data, from cameras installed on parking lots. This occupancy information is then presented real-time to  commuters through a mobile app.

Our FoPark data analytics solution provides parking management with precise information on lot usage, peak occupancy times and average occupancy information. It enables parking managers to effectively manage busy lots, manage traffic flow, increase usage to underutilized areas, and increase overall efficiency.

FoPark puts the control back in the hands of the parking lot owner or manager, allowing for improved efficiency and real-time pricing changes based on occupancy, all through a simple mobile app.

Accurate & Real-time

Accurately reports on open and occupied parking spaces in near real-time

Highly Customizable

We can configure the parking app to meet your needs and your customer’s needs

Cross Platform

The parking availability information can be accessed on our website (app.fopark.com) or the FoPark app (available for iOS & Android)